Experience expert bike repair services
Lankeleisi has 10 years of experience in manufacturing and our team has specialised experience in repairing e-bikes and is able to quickly help our customers to solve their problems.
If you have a problem with your bike, you can contact our online customer service staff at the first time, they will reply to you within 24 hours to assist you in troubleshooting the problem and provide you with an accurate solution.
Lankeleisi also has specialised local repair teams in Italy and Poland. If you would like to experience a professional e-bike maintenance service offline, you can contact our customer service staff and ask them to book an appointment for you.
📧Online service mailbox: service@lankeleisi.com
Blog posts
What Upgrades Have Been Made to the X3000Max!
As one of Lankeleisi's best-selling models, the X3000Max has always been a favourite among riders for its powerful powertrain and rugged design. We have consistently listened to customer feedback a...
紹介 Eバイクはますます人気のある移動手段となっており、Lankeleisiは顧客に安全で高性能なEバイクを提供することに尽力しています。素晴らしいEバイクは、あなたの生活に変化をもたらす魔法のようなものです。 ランケレイシの専門技術チームがこの記事でeバイクメンテナンスの基本を共有します。eバイクのメンテナンス方法を学ぶことで、バッテリーとモーターの寿命を効果的に延ばし、自転車がよりスム...